Monday, July 16, 2007

Plate workshop idea

Fellow "just artists",

I have an idea for a future workshop held in my studio(aka "the shithole basement"). It would be for a glass slumping "vessel" that would also incorporate color (enamel for glass). Any interested parties would be submitting a materials fee so that supplies could be ordered for everyone. I estimate the cost to be less than 20.00 per person. Basic tools, like a glasscutter, would be strongly suggested. If enough people are interested we could make this a go, if not go fuck yourselves.


Cheilita said...

i think it's a jim dandy idea don'tcha know.

amy said...

I'm in, but have never worked with dat stuff, but an an eager learner!

tiny bits of lauv said...

damn, jimmy! them's some strong words! i'm in!

amy said...

sorry my text comes off as a stutterer:) ps as most of you all know spelling is not my forte either:)

tiny bits of lauv said...

i thought you were just so excited to be part of the workshop that you were stuttering! hehe