Saturday, July 7, 2007

What are we gonna do here?

well today i am just going to comment in a post about how great our craft assemblage was yesterday. It felt great to "get together and make stuff" (which i might add, would make a great T-shirt) It also felt great to be around creative people and to appreciate other artist's work at first friday including Matthew Grannells who had a really awesome grocery cart chair (see photo below) and an excellent wine rack in the Candy Factory among his other awesome pieces.
I would also like to throw out a few questions for the now 7 members.
1. when is the next art circle meeting?
2. what should we do on this blog?
3. Ya wanna make stuff again soon?


amy said...

ok... my response is.... I want to get together soon! I need to begin some things and push for a great little corner at home to create in?
I feel on this blog, we should encourage shows of people we love and admire, comment on our creating process, pose questions or mid-process suggestions for other members... ok... I am rambling...

Cheilita said...

no way, that's important rambling sista! totally yes. love it. definitely good stuff.

tiny bits of lauv said...

that's great stuff...for example...cheila's recent query about embossing! :)

amy said...

ps I have a new friend Po at the art center who seems interested in the coalition... she is crazy, fun and would love input on her work